Jake Averill - Saltney, Chester, UK

You've found my site! Since I already post everything I'd like to say online elsewhere, I don't have a dedicated website that I post things to. Instead, all of the links to my various online things are below.

For my social media please see:

You can chat to me on:
Discord - ja91uk
Telegram - @FakeJake
Matrix - @jake:matrix.ja91.uk

My gaming profiles are:
Steam - FakeJake
Battle.net - FakeJake#21879
Epic - ja91uk
Xbox - JakeTechie
EA - ja91uk

I'm on GitHub

I also have an amateur radio license. My callisgn is 2E0SEY. You can find more info on my QRZ.com page

And of course you can email me at jake [at] ja91.uk

Thank you for visiting.